I thought this would be a good place to clear up some of the rumors circulating about livescifi.tv. One of the rumors that I heard is that we are only streaming and broadcasting our investigations because we are hoping to make money. Although I was initially ticked off when I heard the rumor, I've come to think that this can be constructive if I layed it out to our viewers about what is livescifi.tv and what we hope to accomplish in the future.
I guess I should start off by telling everyone that my passion has always been with any thing to do with the paranormal since I was a child. Like most of the people in this field I experienced many things that went bump in the night in my early years. Experiencing these things as a child, gave me the drive to search for answers. I started off at various libraries around town reading books about paranormal phenomena while most kids were off playing hoops etc. As soon as I got my license I ended up taking a tour at the Winchester house. It wasn't until after college that I joined a couple of groups in the area, each different, hoping to satisfy my thirst for answers. Throughout this time while I was either being an investigator, v.president, tech guy, founder, for these various groups there were multiple members who were unable to attend or other groups that wanted to participate but couldn't because of distance etc. It was during this time that I thought it would be a great idea to be able to broadcast our investigations live and uncut, and to make them as interactive as possible so that the viewers could participate actively on the investigation. How great would it be to have 1000's of people analyzing and interpreting evidence in a public open forum!
Our first broadcasts started in May of 2007 and basically consisted of just the investigation and one head cam, back in May of 2007. Shortly after that Justin Kan contacted us to be one of the first streamers on j.tv we were thrilled. Jay and I had decided that we would still do online paranormal investigations, but we would take a lifecasting approach to the show as well, so that people in the community would know what a "Night in the Life of a Paranormal Investigator" is about. That is why we stream the car rides, mornings at IHOP, the conversations, etc. we are now at our current home Ustream, and who knows were we will end up next.=)
Many viewers have asked me why don't we take the TAPS approach to things. And basically the main reason why we don't take the TAPS approach to things is that we not only want to verify if the location is haunted, but we want to know what the causes for the haunting are. I think it is good for groups to try different things that are out of the norm. The Ouija has been a hot topic of debate over the past few months with our viewers and other people in the community. In all honesty I have never even touched a Ouija board before we used a couple months ago. Although I have read many books on the Ouija and can understand peoples negative connotations regarding I thought it would be a good tool to use to supplement our investigative equipment on investigations. So far it has worked out quite well, Burlington and the Stanley proved to show evps that were captured while it was in use. I want to thank a viewer who recommended that we try it out.
I have always made it a point to know many if not all of our viewers (I prefer to call them livescifi investigators) in the chat over the past 9 months. I have always respected each and every person, because as a paranormal investigator I believe that no one can say that there is a proven way to investigate. Since our inception there have only been 7 viewers you have been banned from the site for TOS issues, which our viewers created. We have never been the type of site to publicly state, or to blast out emails when a viewer is banned. However I have and will answer any questions when questioned about it. Viewers in the past who were banned were due to spam, and emails that flow from other user/viewer owned sites that are inflammatory/obscene to other livescifi.tv members or viewers will be concerned as direct violation of TOS. I want to restate that livescifi.tv is a open site and community were people are free share ideas and develop friendships.
In the next few months you may witness some changes to livescifi.tv and the community but we will always stay committed to our roots, which are "live interactive investigations," "free to investigate, free to view" and to our viewers who are the best and who have evolved this community into one of the best on the web. So I am asked, are we in it for the money? Our response to that is, "Who wouldn't want to make money on something that they love doing and feel so passionate about." Would you ever tell a teacher who loved teaching to stop teaching because they were making money of it? It is not our intention to profit off of what we are doing if happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't, we are having fun and learning from each and every investigation that we do.
If anybody has any feedback or suggestions to the site you can always reach me at tim@livescifi.tv
thanks Tim for the insightful post, cleared up a lot of stuff for me...viva la scifi!
I am greatful for livescifi.tv. What has been created here is outstanding. Just because I recently joined doesn't mean that I didn't watch before joining. Like you, I too have always had paranormal experiences since I was a child. My "friends" are very comfortable just passing through. I will chat with everyone about this sometime. I would love everyone's input. Anyway, I have dreamed of being part of the paranormal family and now I can. It is an honor to be able to communicate with experienced investigators and site members to learn and be part of something live. I hope to become certified myself and be part of an actual investigation. I believe you all have opened that door for me, not to mention some really cool new friendships. I don't mean to get mushy but that is how I feel. If you guys make a living and a name for yourself doing what you love, the so be it. I will donate and give what I can. This is an awesome site and an awesome experience to be a part of. Rock on my friend!!
Peace and Happiness,
Gina (gckyle)
Hey Livescifi people,
To anyone that would say anything about this site would have to not been here before or not understand what is going on here.
Since the emergence of the paranormal shows on T.V. there has been alot of people that basically let me see if I can spell this right regurgitate what they have seen on those particular show and it bothers me that I see that so much.
Well know off of my soap box on that subject.
As for Livescifi.tv I have been viewing since mid august and joined the forum a few weeks later and have enjoyed every show . There have been those that have really gotten on peoples nerves complaining and not being very nice with their own opinions and I am just going to have to get used to those people.
Livescifi.tv is and will be a very close family,They are very personable and easy to talk to and very accomodating to everyone on the site.
I have no problem at all with any of them making a profit from sponsors or what ever or where ever the money may come from. If you can make money at your hobbie then I dont think anybody would argue with that.
Jealousy is a fickle thing. Get over yourselves whoever may have something to say about it.
OK enough rambleing...
P.S. This is my opinion and mine all my own no one else...If you dont like it I can be reached at chat or on the forums on livescifi.tv or myspace
thanks you guys! I really appreciate your support!
Hi all mslola here I started out being oh an wait theres a live investagation tonight up until my first Hi from Tim and the gang then I was hooked I felt like I belonged somewhere that the ppl on my computer screen actually knew who I was what I was about. I became a loyal veiwer after that, I put off my bf my mother my son it was tues thurs sat ect and dont bother me Im watching my friends find a ghost lol.. then I got into the forums and became even more hooked I made friends had everyone back me up when I experienced a problem on another board just trying to spread the livescifitv word. Like I said to ppl who will remain nameless you pretty much need to do something to another member or commit harie carrie around here to get banned. If your banned its for a good reason. I have also in the past been able to take any concerns I have to Tim and he has anwered them straight fwd and honestly.. So keep up the good work Tim I cant wait to meet you guys when you roll about Chicago way...
I remember getting sent a Myspace bulletin about LiveSciFi's showing back around my road trip (which was Late June Early July '07) and it said that I could watch a live investigation. I was so excited about it I clicked right on the site early to catch it. It was something I'd always wanted. I love watching Ghost Hunters, but I wanted something more real time and uncut. Since my first night watching I was hooked, but still a little worried about the welcoming of the community (I'd tried other webcam viewing sites and haven't been met with the greatest of welcomes), but this community if full of great people. Both those who physically investigate (Tim and the gang) and those who electronically investigate. I have no problems with the team accepting money from sponsors because I know that Tim and the gang won't take advantage of the money. The gang is always working on improving their site and I've been around to see a lot of the improvements. Of course there are going to be the "trolls" of such groups, but unlike with other communities this one hasn't let that get in the way of being welcoming and accepting of many different people. I will always be greatful to the gang for creating this community and for bringing me the ability to participate in investigations while they're happening and not just after the evidence is already gathered and analyzed. You do great things LiveSciFi. Never forget that.
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