Motives, Why the reason for this post you ask? Recently while broadcasting from a private residence, my motives were questioned. By whom, by people who haven't had any real investigative experience. Why because they believed the person was not in the perfect mental state, but then again who is anyone these days, which actually surpised me since none of them are pyschologists. My main motive with livescifi.tv has always been to help people who are experiencing paranormal activity, document their claims, and to use the broadcasting platform as a way to learn/and capture evidence from other investigators, so that we can better serve our clients.
Most people fail to put themselves into the shoes of the people that they are trying to help. In the case of "Jimmy's," he had asked us to broadcast it because he wanted other people out there, who may be experiencing this type of phenomena to know that they weren't alone, and also to validate his claims that there was something occurring in his residence. We offered support to him when most people looked the other way. We also were able to document and validate what he experienced. What some people fail to see because of their selfish motives, are the countless hours that we spent on this case, with the client on the phone, interviews, analzying evidence, and research, trying to help but hey people are human.
I personally think the livescifi team has gone beyond the "call of duty" helping individuals such as Jimmy and others, validates such paranormal activities. The time and money spent to help those in need is a very special gift a person can give.
This team “In search of the paranormal" has not asked for a dime to help support their efforts, and it’s people like the one's questioning this teams cause that gives the paranormal research a bad rap. If you don't like it.. then go else where, we do not need your type here.
I think you guys ROCK!
aka - luvs
livescifi rules...haters will be haters!
love the show, don't change a thing
Welcome to the internet. Seriously, everyone who puts a site online where there is interaction with others (forums, blogs) will eventually deal with ridicules internet behavior.
There are many people online who find a site or group that they identify with and that site becomes their whole life. Some people are shut-ins or otherwise socially inept and their net friends and the sites that they frequent are their entire social life. They start and participate in board wars and online character assassination under the guise of "expressing their opinion". Dealing with these people is impossible. You will never be able to change their minds especially when you consider that it's easy to be fierce on a keyboard where nobody can get in their face.
I own a lot of websites and one of them has a forum. The niche that my sites are in is very different than the ghost/paranormal niche but I have experienced these same sort of juvenile attacks from a few other sites. I've learned that it's the sites with forums that are open to these attacks. Any time that you put yourself out there with direct interaction with the public you're putting yourself in the line of fire. There is no way to avoid it. My advice is to ignore these people who are tearing you down. There is nothing that you can say or do that will make them change their mind at this point and if you address their rants on your site it will only fuel the fire. As I said, this same sort of thing has happened to me as well. I ignored the idiots who were bothering me and sure enough they found something else to focus on and quit trying to pester my site.
The ghost/paranormal niche is NOTORIOUS for board wars and attacks. Everyone knows that. What you're doing here with your live investigations, forums and blog is awesome. Don't let the idiots online get in your way or cause you stress. Morons are everywhere.
Keep on keepin' on...
i think the common addage is that if there talking about you, you are probably doing something right, or else they wouldn't be talking about you at all....anyways keep up the great work, love the shows!
hmm i figure questioning the mental state of someone was part of the investigation and really he does have some stated issues with brain surgery. that being said it does look like there is evidence to a certain degree to back up his claim ..although it would be interesting to hear what his roommates have experianced also if anything. but really if it helps him and you like helping him and others with their experiances i think that is gold ..keep up the good work livescifi team.
viva la livescifi!
oh when is the next bloggg =(
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